OET Preparation in London

OET Preparation Intensive

gradeCEFR Course Level from - Higher Intermediate (B2) next_weekCourse Length (weeks) - 1 - 1 supervisor_accountMaximum Class Size - 14 date_rangeHours/week - 24:30 hourglass_emptyMinimum Age - 20

OET in London

Our courses take place in Wimbledon, London, and are designed to prepare students for the Occupational English Test (OET). OET is an exam that assesses the language skills of healthcare professionals that would like to register and practise in an English speaking environment. OET is trusted by regulators, hospitals and universities in the following countries: UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, UAE, Singapore, Namibia. 

WSE is one of very few language centres in London and the UK to offer an accredited OET Course. The course is suitable for doctors, nurses and other medical professionals who need to pass the Occupational English Test in order to practise in the UK. 


What is the difference?


In this video Dr. Tanvi explains the difference between IELTS and OET.