1-to-1 English Tutoring

10 sessions per week

Quick Facts


Minimum Age - 16


Hours/Week - 17.5


Maximum Class Size - 1


Course Length (weeks) - 1 - 50


CEFR Course Level from - CEFR Elementary (A2) to Proficiency (C2)

Course Fees 2025

1 - 50 weeks
£1650 per week

plus registration

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Course Information

 Start any week (from 2025)


This one-to-one English course will give you 10 sessions or 17 hours 30 minutes per week of dedicated English lessons. Wimbledon School of English offers one-to-one English language tutoring for those who wish to make rapid progress in their individual English language learning with a personal teacher. Those requiring a one-to-one English language course may be looking to learn a specialist area of the language, e.g. for Business or Law. 

Our one-to-one English Language tutoring programme offers the following benefits:

Your timetable will be arranged at the time of booking.