First Aid Policy

Updated Nov 2022 (DM)


It is a mandatory requirement of working at Wimbledon School of English that all staff members are fully conversant with this policy and any failure to observe this policy may result in disciplinary action. If you have any concerns regarding any health and safety issues on the premises you have a legal obligation to report these concerns to your line manager or Fiona Dunlop (Principal) immediately.


Wimbledon School of English (WSE) recognises the importance of First Aid in saving lives and preventing minor injuries becoming major ones.  To this end, and in line with its responsibilities under health and safety legislation to provide adequate and appropriate equipment and facilities for providing first aid in the workplace, WSE has developed the following First Aid Policy.


  1. To provide a suitably stocked first-aid container in all school locations where staff and students are permanently located.  See Appendix A of this policy for locations and contents.


  1. To provide 3 (three) travelling first-aid containers to be carried to locations where staff and students are temporarily located.  See Appendix A of this policy for locations and contents.


  1. To appoint a person to take charge of first aid arrangements.  See Appendix A of this policy for the current incumbent.


  1. To provide information for employees on first-aid arrangements.  See Appendix A of this policy for where this information is kept/displayed.


  1. To appoint and train at least 3 (three) First-Aiders who will:


those arising from specific hazards at school.


See Appendix A for details & duties of First-Aiders.


  1. To maintain readily accessible accident records for 3 years, as required by law.  These will include the date, time and place of the incident; what first aid was given; what happened to the person immediately after the incident and, the name and signature of the First-Aider or person dealing with the incident.  See Appendix A of this policy for the location of the Accident Book.


Accident records will include “Reportable” accidents i.e. details of accidents, injuries and diseases which must be reported to the HSE.  See Appendix B of this policy for details of reportable incidents.


  1. To provide First Aid accommodation for medical treatment.  See Appendix A of this policy for details.


  1. To isolate and clear up spillages of blood, vomit and excreta safely See Appendix C of this policy for details


  1. To dispose of needles and sharp objects safely See Appendix C of this policy for details.


  1. To provide hand washing facilities for all staff, students and visitors.





  1. The First Aid Box is located in the main school RECEPTION at 39-41 Worple Road and contains:

2.   Travelling First Aid boxes
Two of the Travelling First Aid Boxes are located in the First Aid cupboard in Reception at 39-41 Worple Road. Each box contains:

The third travelling first aid box (for sports usage) is kept in RECEPTION

It contains:


  1. The person appointed to take charge of first aid arrangements is the Health and Safety Officer.


  1. The person appointed to organise first aid training is each individual first aider’s line manager.


4.    Information for employees on first-aid arrangements is kept/displayed in the Teachers’ Room.


5.    The trained first aider(s) are:


JULIAN OAKLEY (Academic Office / Teachers’ Room)

DUNCAN MACINNES (Academic Office / Teachers’ Room / Admin Office / GR1)



The Role of the First Aider

If further medical treatment is needed, private transportation is not available and the medical circumstances are deemed to be insufficiently serious to warrant deployment of an ambulance then a taxi should be called. A friend or colleague should accompany the casualty and return travel should also be arranged.


6.    First Aid Accommodation

Students who are feeling unwell should be taken to Garden Room 1, if free, or any other quiet room if Garden Room 1 is not available.  If applicable they can remain there (with the WSE First Aider) while waiting for a taxi or ambulance, or if they wish to rest.


7.    The Accident book is kept in Reception.  The Principal should be informed immediately of any significant accidents or illnesses.


8.    The nearest Emergency and Casualty Departments are at:


St Georges Hospital         

Blackshaw Road

Tooting SW17 0QT


Kingston Hospital

Galsworthy Road

Kingston upon Thames KT2 7QB


Eye Casualty (open 08.30 –16.00)

Kingston Hospital (as above)


Other Useful Details:


Minor Injuries Unit (open 8.00-20.00)

Queen Mary’s Hospital

Roehampton Lane SW15 5PN


NHS Walk-in Centre (open Monday to Friday 8:00-20.00)

Parsons Green

5-7 Parsons Green



Telephone: 020 8102 4300


NHS Direct (24 hour telephone advice service)

Tel: 0845 464 7123


Basic Advice on First Aid at Work

For basic advice on first aid at work click below: