Hygiene Policy

Updated Feb 2023 (DM)




Wimbledon School of English is committed to the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene applicable to a language school and, since the outbreak of COVID-19, has implemented an even stricter regime to ensure the staff, students, visitors and any other member of the school community is a free as is practicably possible from the dangers of dirt, bacteria and viruses.


This policy is made available to staff, students and the wider public on our website. It is reviewed in light of changes to the school context, such as an increase in the number of students and classes.



Wimbledon School of English believes is has a duty to uphold the highest possible standards of cleanliness and hygiene for the safety, wellbeing and comfort of our staff, students, visitors and other members of our school community. While we are not able to guarantee that our school environment is always free of small risks, we take our responsibility to all our stakeholders in the matter of cleanliness and hygiene extremely seriously and do our utmost to ensure that our school premises are as free as practicably possible from dirt, bacteria and viruses.


Policy Objectives


Maintaining personal hygiene

The following personal hygiene measures are in place on the school premises:


Dealing with spillages

WSE has a Policy on the Spillages of Blood, Vomit and Excreta which forms part of the Health and Safety Policy, and this can be found in the WSE Employee Handbook.


Staff dealing with these incidents must, at all times:


Staff Responsibilities

Responsibilities Staff member(s)
  • The cleaning of the school building during the school day, including all remote controls in common areas, doors, door handles, banisters, tables in common areas.
  • Emptying of bins during the school day.
  • Removal of litter and emptying bins during the school day.
  • Regular cleaning of toilets throughout the day.
  • Checking on the cleanliness of the toilets each morning.

Tom / Hayley

  • General cleaning and vacuuming of the school after work hours.
  • General oversight of the cleanliness of the building.
  • Overall responsibility for Health & Safety
  • Own adherence to school hygiene measures in relation to the classroom.
  • Reminding students of the school hygiene measures.
  • Monitoring student compliance with hygiene measures in relation to the classroom.

All teachers

  • Own adherence to school hygiene measures.
  • The safe and prompt disposal of own rubbish.
  • Monitoring student compliance with school hygiene measures.

All staff