Individualising Student Experience Policy

Individualising the Student Experience

Updated Oct 2022 (DM)

Policy on Individualising the Student Experience at WSE


We aim to provide an individual learning experience for each student who studies at WSE. We provide a modern, multi-cultural learning environment that is welcoming to all students. It is crucial that we gather and act upon feedback from students to ensure that we are offering the best service possible.


Students who have chosen to stay in our homestay accommodation receive information personally from the host they will be staying with. It is the job of the accommodation manager to carefully select homestay families to suit the profile of each student.


During the course, each student’s needs and interests are taken into consideration in careful planning, attention, and monitoring from the teachers. On day one each student completes a written needs analysis form as part of their day one test. Teachers use this to help plan their course. Each student has regular tutorials with their teacher to discuss their study plans and goals, and also to discuss their overall learning experience and welfare while at WSE. Tutorials are recorded on ewimbledon to allow future teachers to monitor ongoing individual student progress.


It is school policy for teachers to incorporate and integrate outside English experiences into their teaching such as visits to relevant places of interest. Teachers are expected to have at least one explicitly stated focus on British Culture on Thursdays and this is clearly indicated on the weekly course plan. There are also lessons on upcoming excursions on the social programme - teachers are encouraged to make these destinations the theme of their lessons whilst developing their English and the learners can then apply what is learned in lessons at the excursions. Self-study and homework also play a key role in encouraging the integration of British Culture into the curriculum. Teachers are expected to set homework, such as interview your host or take photos of all language you see on signs, to enable their learners to experience real English in authentic environments and bring those back into the classroom environment. This not only enhances the learner’s experience, but it also broadens the type of language they will experience in a unique way.


The school also aims to provide information on how to benefit from the community such as being involved in the local volunteer centre (for those students whose immigration status allows this) and organising university visits. We also encourage our students to get involved in charity events which we run periodically throughout the year.


Our social programme aims to address a large variety of interests, and students are regularly asked for feedback and suggestions on social programme activities. Members of the teaching staff are involved in running social activities such as WSE Has Talent, sports activities, and international evenings. Students are actively encouraged to get involved in such activities.


In everything we do at WSE we aim to provide a beneficial and enjoyable all-round learning experience as well as offer an insight into British life and culture.


It should be noted that during the COVID-19 pandemic we are unable to always offer excursions. Whenever possible, students are encouraged to participate in our online social activities.