At WSE we incorporate safer recruitment procedures into all aspects of our recruitment procedure. We have a well-planned, structured and transparent process with consistent application. Our aim is to deter the wrong people from applying and prevent the wrong people from being appointed.
Job descriptions and person specification documents:
· Safeguarding responsibilities of the role are clearly defined.
· All job advertisements state the school’s commitment to safeguarding and the promotion of student welfare for under-18s. All stakeholders are expected to share this commitment.
· It is made clear that a DBS check will be carried out, there should be no gaps in CVs that can’t be accounted for, and that references will be checked.
· Shortlisting is done with the person specification in mind.
· When possible, shortlisting is done by two people working independently who then compare to compile a fair and transparent shortlist of candidates.
· Applicants are invited to face-to-face interviews, or Zoom interviews when overseas, after selection from CVs with covering letter received in response to advertisements. Interviewees are sent the job description and Conditions of Employment, and Privacy Policy in advance.
· All applicants are informed before their interview that we will follow up references, we require a DBS disclosure or overseas police check, all gaps in CVs are to be accounted for, and proof of identity and qualifications will be required.
· Interviews are conducted by the appropriate manager. Interviews for administration and long-term teaching posts are normally conducted by two members of staff. Interviewees are given a tour of the school by another member of staff and are introduced to as many staff as possible.
· For each position a set of interview questions is created and includes safer recruitment questions. All staff members involved in recruitment have access to examples of safer recruitment questions along with examples of responses which would cause concern.
· The interviewers complete an interview form during the interview to assess the applicant’s suitability. The completed form is filed in the successful applicant’s personnel file. The applicant’s passport and original certificates are checked and copies of these are made with the candidates’ permission. All copies are signed and dated by the interviewer. Details of all new members of staff are then added to the school online HR system and documents are scanned in.
· Notes and details of unsuccessful post-interview applicants are not kept on file for more than six months.
· WSE recognises the importance of references in providing an indicator of future performance.
· Two references are collected from the most recent employer and/or places that are similar to the work for which the applicant has applied.
· If not provided on the CV, the applicant is asked for referee contact details at the interview and if candidate consents, the interviewer contacts the referees shortly after the interview.
· Any causes for concern that arise from a reference are followed up with the applicant.
· When the position involves working with people under the age of 18, at least one reference question asks directly about suitability to work with under-18s.
· In residential settings such as at our Juniors Centre, all written references are checked verbally to confirm that they were written by the person named as referee.
· Members of staff are welcome to consult their online files at any time.
· A position offered to a successful applicant is always subject to references and an enhanced DBS check for police check.
· All applicants undergo an enhanced DBS check or an overseas police check before they commence their employment.
· A record of all checks is kept on a single central record of all staff.
· All applicants are invited to self-disclose any criminal records they have. They are asked to submit this to the interviewer in a sealed envelope. This envelope will only be opened if the applicant has been successful at interview stage. Two WSE managers will be responsible for discussing and deciding whether to appoint based on the offence and records are kept of the discussion. If the applicant is not successful, that sealed envelope is returned to him/her unopened.
A referral must be made to the DBS when Wimbledon School of English withdraws permission for an individual to engage in work with under-18s or would have done so had that individual not resigned, retired, been made redundant or been transferred to a position which does not involve contact with under-18s, because they think that the individual has:
· engaged in relevant conduct; i.e. action or inaction that has caused neglect, emotional/psychological, sexual, or physical harm
· satisfied the Harm Test; to harm or cause harm, put a child at risk, attempt to harm or incite others to harm
· received a caution or conviction for a relevant offence
If these conditions have been met the information must be referred to the DBS. Their referral should be made to the DBS when the provider has gathered sufficient evidence as part of their investigations to support their reasons for withdrawing permission to engage in work with under-18s and in following good practice, consulted with their Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) or Health and Social Care Trust Designated Officer, if appropriate.
Applicants are informed of the results of the interview within a week. Confirmation of fixed term and pay is given in writing with a contract and full terms and conditions to follow before date of employment. All unsuccessful interviewees are informed by email.
The new employee is given a thorough Induction pack; new non-teaching staff members also attend the student welcome talk and tour. All new staff are also asked to complete a form giving details of next of kin and bank details, and the Children Act 1989 Self-declaration form. A member of staff is appointed to look after them and go through the induction checklist and procedures with them. All new members of staff undergo online training in Basic Awareness in Safeguarding, Fire Awareness, Prevent for Practitioners and/or Leaders and Managers.
When a previously employed member of staff returns to work for WSE; further checks are carried out. If the member has been living / working abroad, a police check is requested; if still resident in the UK a new DBS check is carried out. Further references will also be taken.