What courses does WSE offer?
General English,
Business English and Professional Skills,
IELTS Preparation,
Cambridge Exam preparation,
English for Law with TOLES preparation,
OET Preparation,
Junior Summer Programmes for 12-17-year-olds
30+ English for Work and Life,
40+ English and Culture: Experience London,
Teacher Training courses,
Online 1to1 and 2to1 lessons,
School-based 1to1 and 2to1 lessons,
Academic Year Programme,
English for Specific Purposes,
Part-time afternoon courses,
Evening courses,
What is the difference between Essential, Standard and Intensive courses?
Essential courses = 5 mornings per week. 17.5 hours per week
Standard courses = 5 mornings and 2 afternoons per week. 21 hours per week
Intensive courses = 5 mornings and 4 afternoons per week. 24.5 hours per week
Our Intensive courses consist of a standard course + 2 extra afternoons by choosing one of our Options courses. You will study every morning, and every afternoon (except Friday afternoon), from 09:00 - 15:55. On Fridays, you will finish school at 13:00.
How long should I study?
You can study for as long as you like, from one week to one year. If you are studying General English, it normally takes on average 8 to 10 weeks to progress to the next level.
How many levels are there?
We have eight levels from Beginner to Proficiency and these correspond to the Common European Framework of levels. The 8 levels are: Beginners, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Higher Intermediate, Higher Intermediate Plus, Advanced, Advanced Plus, Proficiency.
How do I know my level?
Before you start your course, we will test your grammar, written and spoken English. Your overall score will determine the level of the class you are placed into on your first day.
Will I receive homework?
We believe that homework is a very important part of your course and can help you make rapid progress. The exact amount of homework you will get depends on your course but you should expect 1-2 hours per day.
How many people are in a class?
From September to June, the maximum number of students in a class is 14. In July and August, the maximum is 16 students per class. Some courses such as 30+ English for Life & Work have a maximum of 6 students. 40+ English & Culture courses have a maximum of 10 students.
Will I get a certificate?
When you finish your course, you will get the Wimbledon School of English Certificate stating your course dates and finishing level. We require that students attend 80% of classes in order to receive the certificate. If you are taking one of our examination courses, you will also have the option to take the exam at the end.
Is there a cooling-off period?
If you book your course online, there is a 14-day cancellation period from the day that your application is submitted. This does not apply to courses booked in person, by email or through an application form.