
Before you arrive in the UK, we strongly recommend that you take out insurance for your own financial and personal security.

You can take out your own insurance or take out the International Student Policy offered by Endsleigh which has been specially designed to cater for the insurance needs of students studying in the UK on a trip arranged by Wimbledon School of English.

The product provides cover including emergency medical assistance and medical costs, protection in the event of cancellation or curtailment, cover for loss, theft of or damage to baggage and personal money.

You can add this insurance to your course for £6 per week. Select insurance as an add-on when booking.

New Covid-19 Cover for International students
We have enhanced our travel insurance policies for international students to include certain risks in relation to Covid-19, including the following…

New Covid-19 cover 
Covid-19 Delayed Return – Additional travel or accommodation costs This section will cover up to £1,000 for reasonable additional transport only of the identical class of travel utilised on the outward journey, or accommodation expenses incurred, up to the standard of the student(s) original booking, if the student(s) is in self isolation on the date that they are due to return to their home country, having been personally instructed to do so by NHS Test and Trace or the NHS COVID-19 app as a result of being exposed to someone who has been diagnosed with Covid-19.

Covid-19 hospitalisation benefit
If the student(s) is admitted to hospital in the UK as an in-patient whilst on a trip during the period of cover due to their being infected with Covid-19, the policy includes up to £100 for every complete 24 hours the Beneficiary remains in hospital as an in-patient, up to a maximum of £1,400 in total.

Included as a part of the standard policy
Student health and wellbeing is our No.1 priority
If an insured student(s) contract Covid-19 during their time studying in the UK, cover will remain in place for emergency medical expenses and all other standard policy cover will remain in force for the duration of your trip.

Financial protection whilst in the UK
If an insured student(s) have been diagnosed with Covid-19, the policy will cover for additional expenses related to transport or accommodation if it is medically necessary that they stay in the UK beyond their scheduled return date.

Cover for delays in returning home
If an insured student(s) return home has been delayed in relation to the pandemic, the policy will be automatically extended without any charge for the period of the delay up to a maximum of 60 days (or until the student is able to return home, whichever is the earlier) – This will allow the student(s) to remain on cover and continue to have protection for all sections of the insurance policy (i.e. medical cover, personal accident, baggage, personal liability, missed departure).

Key features and benefits:

Key eligibility criteria and exclusions:

The table below displays a summary of the maximum amounts which are payable under each section. Please note the group policy is subject to terms, conditions, limits and exclusions - please refer to the group policy wording and the statement of insurance for full details of the cover available.

Insurance Summary

Benefits Maximum Excess
Cancellation or curtailment charges £300 £50
Emergency medical & other expenses £2,000,000 £50
Emergency dental treatment £500 £50
Personal accident (subject to age) £30,000 £50
Single article, pair or set limit 
Valuables limit in total

Personal money, passport & documents 
Currency, notes and coins
Other personal money and documents 
Passport or visa


Personal liability £1,000,000 £100
Missed departure £250 £50
Overseas legal expenses & assistance £10,000 Nill
Course fees £8,000 £50


Endsleigh Insurance Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. This can be checked on the Financial Services
Register by visiting its website at Insurance Services Limited. Company No. 856706 registered in England at
Shurdington Road, Cheltenham Spa, Gloucestershire GL51 4UE.

N.B. It is advisable to take out your student insurance at the time of booking your trip as cover will commence for pre-departure cancellation from the policy issue date. This will, therefore, provide cover should you have to cancel your course for an insured reason such as illness or serious accident preventing you from travelling.

For further information please email